March 25, 2025

Healthy Soil, Healthy Trees: The Foundation of Plant Health

When it comes to maintaining thriving trees and landscapes, soil health often gets overlooked. However, soil is the foundation for vigorous trees and without the right balance of nutrients, organic matter, and microbes, even the hardiest of trees can struggle.

Why Soil Health Matters:

Healthy soil is a living ecosystem. It provides the essential nutrients and water that trees and plants need to grow, while also supporting microbial and fungal life that helps break down organic matter and release nutrients.

Improving Soil Health:

Improving your soil health starts by calling New Urban Forestry today! One of our Certified Arborists can collect a soil sample which will be sent to our lab for analysis. Soil tests measure pH levels, essential macro and micronutrients levels, along with organic matter content. From the results, we can arrive at a plan to correct deficiencies that are common soils within the urban forest.


Urban soils oftentimes lack critical organic matter due to the common practice of removing leaves from one's property. By enlisting in a New Urban Forestry Soil Care Program, we can work to replenish nutrients and adjust pH levels.


Simply maintaining the leaf litter at the base of trees or incorporating hardwood mulch to the root zone can also replenish nutrients. However, this process occurs at a slow rate. In conditions where the deficiencies are great, the combination of mulch and fertilization is recommended. Furthermore, mulch also has the added benefit of regulating soil temperatures and maintaining moisture levels which are critical when summer temperatures increase and rain become less frequent.  

Mulch Correctly:

Apply mulch at a depth of 2-4” and extend the mulched area, ideally, to the extent of the trees drip line, just take care to keep it away from the trunk.

Partner with Experts:

At New Urban Forestry, we understand the vital role soil plays in the health of your trees. Our team can assess your soil, recommend treatments, and ensure your trees have the foundation they need to thrive. Let’s work together to keep your soil healthy and your landscape beautiful. Contact us today for a consultation!