tree care

Will This Kill My Tree?

July 23, 2019

Will This Kill My Tree?

Will this kill my tree? If your trees show any of these signs or symptoms and believe they might suffer from one of the conditions listed, please contact your arborist. New Urban Forestry’s plant health care team has prescribed treatments for many common conditions.

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What is a Tree Inventory?

May 3, 2019

What is a Tree Inventory?

New Urban Forestry recently conducted tree inventories for two very different purposes. The first was for the zip line route at the Sandbar, a local business that provides a zip line tour across the Broad River. We also spent a great day in the Historic Downtown area of Greensboro, GA recording trees along the streetscape.

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Bee extraction

October 31, 2018

Bee extraction

Our arborists occasionally come across bees that have made their home in a tree that needs to be removed. Last week we successfully relocated a hive to a new home at Tallassee Highlands Apiary.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

August 17, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

New Urban Forestry had the enormous honor of caring for the trees at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change this week. We sent our entire tree team to the property for the day. Read more about this special project.

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Healthy Trees Need Healthy Soil

February 23, 2018

Healthy Trees Need Healthy Soil

Art Morris, NUF General Manager and The Georgia Urban Forest Council's 2018 president, explains why soil preservation and soil building benefit our urban green canopy for Shade Magazine.

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Be on the lookout for the Redbud or "Harbinger of Spring!"

January 23, 2018

Be on the lookout for the Redbud or "Harbinger of Spring!"

Okay, maybe it's a little bit early, but these warmer days In Athens have us thinking of the Redbud, which gives us one of the first signs that spring is around the corner.

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English Ivy Kills Trees

November 28, 2017

English Ivy Kills Trees

English ivy, [Hedera helix], is an exotic invasive species that is popular for it’s ability to grow in dry shade. Unfortunately, it is replacing native species...

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Grant-funded Tree Project at Oconee Hill Cemetery

November 15, 2017

Grant-funded Tree Project at Oconee Hill Cemetery

Preservation of the Oconee Hill Cemetery was financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, through the historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

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