August 17, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

New Urban Forestry had the enormous honor of caring for the trees at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change this week.


We were informed by the landscapers who care for the property that the trees needed some serious love, so we approached the MLK Center with a plan.


There are about a dozen large willow oaks on the property. None had been pruned in years, so there were large dead limbs in many of them. We performed crown cleaning to remove dead branches and reduction pruning to reduce risk and provide clearance to the buildings and plaza. Additionally, we're treating the trees to suppress obscure scale insects.


We sent our entire tree team to the Midtown Atlanta site to provide the most efficient service with the least amount of disruption.


We are so happy that the MLK Center trusted us with this project, and we are honored to help care for this beautiful property.
